This file describes all the menu commands available in Disk Recall.
Apple Menu
About Disk Recall:
Displays a window with the current version number, my e-mail address and the home page of Disk Recall
File Menu:
New Catalog: Opens a new catalog document with default display settings. Disks or folders can be archived in this window by simply dragging them on it.
Open Catalog: Opens a previously saved catalog document.
Close: Closes the frontmost window. If it is a catalog window that has been changed, you will be prompted to save it if you want.
Save: Saves a catalog document. Saved documents remember their font, style, header and icon settings. It is enabled if the frontmost window is a catalog document window that has been modified. Not available for Found Results windows.
Save As: Saves the catalog document under a new name. The original catalog is left unmodified.
Revert: Reverts the frontmost catalog to the last saved version.
Export: Exports the contents of the frontmost catalog OR search window (Found Items or Found Duplicates) to a TEXT file. The creator of the file is determined in the preference panel. Only items currently displayed in the frontmost window are exported. Items hidden in collapsed folders, or information that is not currently displayed (e.g. creation dates) are skipped. To completely expand a disk and all its subfolders, option-click its arrow before exporting. In the exported file, names are indented with spaces to indicate their depth, columns are separated by tabs, and lines are separated by carriage return.
Page Setup: The standard Macintosh page setup command. Affects printing of catalogs as well as search results.
Print: Prints the frontmost catalog or search results window.
Print Selected Disks: Prints only the selected disks in the frontmost catalog window. Useful for printing labels.
Edit Menu:
Undo: Undoes copy, cut and paste actions. Other actios undoable in this version.
Cut, Copy: Cut or copy and paste the name of files or folders selected in the frontmost window. If a disk is selected, you can copy it from one catalog document and paste it in another.
Clear: works only on text in edit fields (for example in the Find Window).
Select All: Selects all the displayed items in a window.
Displays the preferences panels.
Get AMUG comments: For the AMUG BBS in a BOX CD ROM series, this function causes Disk Recall to gather the comments about the files contained on the CD. These comments can be displayed in a floating window and searched using the Find command. Note that turning this on significantly slows down archiving time, so keep it off when you do not intend to use it.
Get Stuffit Archive Contents: Scans inside Stuffit files and gathers information about their contents. Slows down the scanning process a little bit.
Get Disk Icons: Will archive a copy of a Disk's custom icon. This increases RAM requirements about 2-3 kilobytes per disk entry. You can turn it off to save on RAM.
Identify Disks by:
Name, Creation Date, Name and Creation Date
When archiving a new disk, Disk Recall compares it to previous entries in the catalog document. Disk Recall can use the Name and/or the formatting date of the disk to match it to a previous entry. If a previous entry already exists, Disk Recall will replace it with the new one, unless the Warn when updating option is checked, in which case it will ask the user to either replace the old entry with the new one, add the new entry without changing the old one, or cancel the operation.
View Export Files with: Disk Recall saves exported files as TEXT files with the creator type specified here. You can either type in the code yourself, or choose an application to determine it by pressing the Choose button. Commonly used application codes are: XCEL ( Excel), BOBO (ClarisWorks), ttxt (Simple Text), CWIE (CodeWarrior), MSWD (Microsoft Word), MOSS (Netscape).
Printing margins: Margins from the edge of the paper used when printing. For a margin of one inch use 72 pixels.
Use Navigation Services: Available for system 8.5 or better only. When this option is on, Disk Recall uses the new Open and Save file windows.
Show Disks' custom icons: Displays disks with their custom icons. This applies to the display only, and not to archiving. Turn this option off if you prefer to see generic icons and to speed up display a little bit.
Use double click to open files in Finder: When checked, double clicking on an item in a catalog or search results window asks the Finder to open it. Turn this off if you find yourself accidentally opening items while browsing. You can still open items using the Launch in Finder command (Apple-L).
Note: This is part of the registered version of Disk Recall. Disk Recall is "coolware". Refer to the ReadMe file for more info.
Catalog menu:
Archive Disk: Displays a small window with a list of all the disks present on the Macintosh. Select one (or more) disk(s) by clicking (or shift-clicking) on them, then press the Archive button to scan them. The entries for these disks will be added to the frontmost catalog window. This menu is disabled if there is no open catalog window or the frontmost window is not a catalog document.
Delete Disk: Deletes the selected disk entrie(s) from the frontmost catalog. There is no warning before deletion and this action is undoable.
Update Disk: If a disk entry is selected in the frontmost catalog window, this command causes Disk Recall to re-scan the disk and to replace the old entry with the new one. If the disk has been ejected, you will be asked to insert it.
Get Info: Displays a small information window for each selected file, folder or disk in the frontmost window. You can change the name of disk entries in this window by simply typing the new name in the field at the top of the window and closing the window. This features lets you distinguish between similarly named disks (such as some magazine CD ROMs).
Get AMUG Info: If you have the AMUG BBS in a Box shareware CD's, you can view a file's comments in this window. The CD ROM should have been archived with the AMUG comments option on in the preferences panel.
Mark for trash: Puts a small trash icon next to the name of the selected files or folders. Works also in search results windows. Does not require that the disk containing the files to be present on the desktop. Marking the files does not delete them nor move them to the trash. As its name implies, it only adds a mark.
Un-Mark for trash: Removes the trash icon mark (if any) from the selected name.
Move marked items to the Trash: Asks the Finder to move all the files with a trash icon to the trash. If the disk containing the files to be trashed is not available on the desktop, you will be asked to insert it. After the items have been moved to the trash, you will be asked if you want to update the entry for the modified disk. If you do not update the entry, the name of the removed file will be displayed with a line across it to indicate that it has been deleted.
The commands described above are particularly useful with the Find Duplicates command.
Search Menu:
Find: Displays the Find window where you specify your search criteria. Press the "And..." and "Or.." buttons to add search criteria. To remove criteria, press the small trash icon at the right side of the criterion. For more information on saving criteria and searching multiple catalogs, please refer to the manual. Pressing the Find button will search the frontmost catalog window and display the search results in a new window. The number of found items is is added to the title of the window.
Find Duplicates: Opens the Find Duplicates window. Specify the criteria used to search for files. For best results, check all the options. Find duplicates will identify all duplicate files in the frontmost catalog window. This includes duplicate files on the same disk, or on different disks.
Modified Today (and other custom searches): When a set of search criteria is saved, its name is appended to the end of the Search menu. Several pre-defined criteria are available by default. Selecting one of them from the search automatically searches the frontmost catalog using the specified criteria.
View Menu:
Font: Specifies the font used to display the catalog contents.
Size: Specifies the size used to display the catalog contents.
Icon: Specifes the type of icon used to display the catalog contents. Large icons are 32X32 pixels, small and generic icons are 16X16. For large and small icons, Disk Recall displays the icon specified by the file's type and the application that created it. You may choose Generic to speed up the display a little bit.
Show submenu:
Determines what information is displayed in the frontmost window. This applies to catalog windows and to search results windows. A check mark in front of an item indicates that this type of information is currently displayed. When you select an item without a check mark, a column containing the specified type of information is added to the display. You might have to scroll to the right to see it.
NOTE: The pathname option is available only in search results windows.
NOTE: The font, size, icon and Show settings are remembered for every document individually. They are also retained for the Found Items and Found Duplicates windows. They also affect what information gets saved with Export menu command.
Show invisible files: Causes invisible files to be displayed in the window. Note that invisible folders (desktop, trash and temporary) are always shown, because they often contain visible files.